
Next Generation Recyclingmaschinen GmbH

HQ, Production & Customer Care Center Europe
Address: Gewerbepark 22, 4101 Feldkirchen, Austria

Phone: +43 (0) 7233 70 107-0, Fax -2



VAT-No.: ATU 41547509
Company register No: 148795t
Company register court: Landesgericht Linz
Head office: Feldkirchen a.d. Donau
Type of business: Manufacturing and distribution of recycling technology

Membership of chamber of commerce organizations: Member of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Mechatronic engineer’s guild of Upper Austria
Applicable regulations and access: Trade regulations
Regulatrory body/Trade authority: District authority Urfahr-Umgebung
Profession: Mechatronic engineering for machines and manufacturing technology

Managing directors: Gerhard Ohler, Günther Klammer, Erich Fürst
Ownership structure: 100% Next Generation Holding GmbH


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Webdesign & Development

:WANTED Werbeagentur GmbH

Online Marketing

eMagnetix Online Marketing GmbH

Put us to the test!

Your plastic waste is tomorrow’s raw material.

In our test centers, we will demonstrate to you the performance of NGR recycling machines using your raw materials. We’ll be pleased to show you the benefits in person.

Contact us
PET recycling system P:REACT PET improvement LSP liquid stae polycondensation