Combating Nigeria’s waste problem with plastics recycling technologies and education.

Combating Nigeria’s waste problem with plastics recycling technologies and education.

With the help of NGR's innovative recycling technologies, used water bags can be recycled and reused for new high-quality packaging applications.

In West Africa, they are ubiquitous: small plastic bags called water sachets that provide millions of people with an affordable source of clean drinking water. Once the corner of the bag is torn and the water drunk, the sachets are often carelessly discarded and pollute the environment. However, with the help of Next Generation Recycling Machines GmbH’s innovative recycling technologies, used water bags can be recycled and reused for new high-quality packaging applications.

As part of the pilot project ReflexNG, launched in Lagos, Nigeria’s most populous city, to combat plastic pollution on-site, used water bags are processed and recycled. Using a network of kiosks, a dedicated app, and employed waste pickers, the sachets are collected and processed into post-consumer recyclate by Omnik Limited, a regional project partner. A cutting-compactor-extruder combination from the Feldkirchen machine manufacturer is used for this purpose. With gentle material treatment and minimized energy consumption, the C:GRAN is the optimal solution for such post-consumer challenges. The machine reliably processes moist to highly moist and contaminated input materials such as water bags into top granules for the highest demands.

In addition to recycling the sachets, raising awareness among residents and training local waste entrepreneurs is a crucial part of the ReflexNG project to create a sustainable and long-term solution in the region.

Gerhard Ohler, CEO of NGR, is proud that NGR’s recycling technologies can make a significant contribution to solving the waste problem in West Africa. “Through the ReflexNG project, the used water bags are being recycled, which would have otherwise ended up in the environment or on the landfill. This is an important step in addressing the waste problem in Africa and shows that technological developments can also efficiently keep post-consumer waste in circulation.”

Once again, Next Generation Recycling Machines GmbH demonstrates with this project that they are a leader in recycling technologies and that their machines and systems can make a significant contribution to solving global environmental problems.


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Your plastic waste is tomorrow’s raw material.

In our test centers, we will demonstrate to you the performance of NGR recycling machines using your raw materials. We’ll be pleased to show you the benefits in person.

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PET recycling system P:REACT PET improvement LSP liquid stae polycondensation